© 2025 Iron Forums
Iron Forums Members are the business owners and influencers who lead a team, and also have felt a calling to run their business on Christian principles. The organization is driven by relationships peer-to-peer and Christ-to-business owner. It allows members to discuss their relationships with Christ, their spouses, their children, their employees, vendors and clients; in an honest and confidential way with others who have similar experiences. Members take away ideas to improve through the Iron Forums Culture of TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY, TRACTION and TRANSFORMATION.
Most Iron Forums locations will have 20-35 members, with 4 in a Snapshot Group. Many men and women have described their Snapshot Group as an informal board of directors or advisors.
“I was immediately interested in the idea of a Christ-centered forum just for business owners. I was amazed at what was being discussed. I’ve never been in a Christian enviroment that really understood my issues as a business owner. And I’m learning to run my business from the truths of scripture. The investment of my time and resources is worth it for my business and family.”
Iron Forums Advisors are seasoned business owners or organizational executive leaders, active or retired – that feel a calling to mentor and serve other business owners and leaders.
Advisors have been carefully vetted and invited to attend, and will share their wisdom with anyone in their Forum location, and more specifically in whatever Snapshot Group they participate in during a Forum. They have the time for, and can offer experienced perspectives on each area of business that is covered, as well as family relationships and intimacy with Christ experiences. Many Advisors meet with our members one on one to continue discussions regarding issues started at a Forum.
Most Iron Forums locations will have 2-7 Advisors, with no more than one Advisor in a Snapshot Group of four to five members. They pay dues and participate, because they believe this is what God has called them to do in this season of life.
“I’ve been in executive leadership most of my career. Now I’m in a new season. Iron Forums gives me a new purpose. These business owners are hungry for wisdom. God has given me more to share than I ever realized. It is easy for me to make the monthly meetings. And spiritually I’m growing by attending!”
Iron Forums Facilitators are successful business owners or leaders who know how to lead a team, and have been called to help men and women create and sustain companies with a Biblical mindset — putting Christ at the center in such a way that each member’s company becomes a ministry of sorts. Facilitators “run the show,” building the Iron Forums’ membership in a specific geography, putting the content together with the Iron Forums’ leadership team, and then providing the location, materials, food and content for each meeting.
Every Iron Forums location will have a single Facilitator. They will also participate in new Snapshot Groups to train and develop Snapshot table leaders as the location grows in membership. This is a paid position, and requires a thorough background check and interview process to ensure that the facilitator knows, understands and will live and propagate the Iron Forums’ culture of TRUTH, TRANSPARENCY and TRACTION, leading to TRANSFORMATION.
“Iron Forums gives me the opportunity to take my leadership skills into the marketplace. Working with business owners that understand the responsibility of stewarding God’s business is a dream come true. I am able to impact the owner with biblical truth that then overflows to their marriage, family and employees. An Iron Forums facilitator is really an entrepreneur in ministry.”
The family of an Iron Forums Member stands to benefit greatly, as every month relationships with your spouse and children are self rated and then discussed with the other members at Iron Forums. We do this, because we believe that FAMILY is the cornerstone of God’s Kingdom and even more important to Him than our businesses. Through Iron Forums, men and women learn how to be better parents, better spouses, and better followers of God through loving their family the way that Christ loves the church.
There are many events and also “Iron Couples” small groups that spouse’s attend to share the joys, challenges and opportunities for the spouse of business owners.
“We attended a marriage retreat weekend sponsored by Iron Forums. I was so encouraged with the impact it had on both of us. Iron Forums is committed to encouraging strong biblical marriages. My husband asks me each month before his meeting how I feel we are doing! That one question makes a difference in our marriage.”
Iron Forums is not THE church; but certainly we are part of God’s Church — the body of Christ. Our hope is to strengthen business owners and bring them into stronger relationships with Jesus and their own churches so that they can have a bigger impact for the Kingdom of God. Alliance Partners include Christian organizations that can benefit Christian business owners. This could include Christian financial ministries, legal assistance, and chaplain services.
Iron Forums has a very symbiotic relationship with Christian schools. Experience has taught us that most members have enrolled their children in Christian schools, because they believe it’s good to teach children from early ages that God is the actual provider, and to trust in His wisdom. It seems that many Christian schools have parents that are business owners — some who are missing out on their intimacy with Jesus, and may not be enjoying the same relationship that their children have with Christ — although they may need it most. We provide an opportunity for schools to refer parents who own or influence their businesses; which in turn improves family life, while expanding the ministry of the school to the community and other business owners. In addition, Iron Forums is dedicated to providing opportunities for students to obtain internships and even job opportunities through the Christian businesses in an Iron Forums location.
“Iron Forums has proven to be an excellent resource for our parents who are entrepreneurs. The organization aligns with our school’s values and beliefs, and I feel like it makes sense for us to work together. In addition, Iron Forum members make themselves available to mentor our students interested in business, and serve our families as a place for job networking. It is an encouraging, spiritually symbiotic relationship.”
© 2025 Iron Forums