© 2025 Iron Forums
If you are a Christian leader, there may be a place for you at Iron Forums. We are structured into individual FORUMS, led by a Facilitator, supported by Advisors and Table Leaders, and serving Members. We also have Benefactors, who believe that by transforming and growing the heart and wisdom of a Christian business owner, we can transform our world. We create a Christ-centered community that spiritually impacts the business owner, their family, and their business. And the result is connecting more people to God.
Iron Forums members are the heart of Iron Forums — God inspired this ministry for YOU. We know that God has a calling on your life, and we believe that you will find relationships with like-minded business owners who can keep you from feeling isolated in your role with your spouse, your children and your business. We would love for you to come visit a Forum near you and see if Iron Forums is a fit for you. Ask yourself if you can be Hungry for Spiritual Growth in your business, Humble in accepting guidance from other owners and entrepreneurs, Holy-Spirit Driven in your world-view, and Healthy in your current relationships with no crises requiring immediate repair. Click Here to Apply for Membership and arrange to visit a Forum!
Each Forum is managed by a Facilitator. This position is paid, and requires somebody with organizational skills, experience in leadership (business, church or parachurch ministry) and a calling to build a community of Christian leaders. Some men and women facilitate more than one Forum, and the key is networking and inviting Christian business owners and advisors into the Forum.
Advisors are men and women who have been in leadership of companies at some point in their life, and find themselves in a season where they have time to “mentor” and help younger businessmen and entrepreneurs. Advisors have flexibility to attend Forums on a consistent cadence of their choosing, by coordinating with their facilitator (ie: monthly, 6x per year, quarterly — whatever works best for them while allowing relationships to develop within the Forum they “support.” The dues for advisors are “retiree friendly,” — we need your wisdom and Godly counsel more than we need money.
If you are part of a ministry that supports or connects business owners to Jesus Christ, we want to talk to you. We believe that many organizations can partner with Iron Forums to help build God’s kingdom through cross-referrals. Visit our Alliance Partner Page or Complete this Contact Form to learn more about how your organization can partner with Iron Forums, and potentially visit a Forum.
© 2025 Iron Forums