Abiding in Christ brings much fruit. A couple of guys that I know well were talking. One guy tells the other, “Hey, every time you open your mouth, I learn something.” Is that possible? Yes, but only if you believe the bible.
You see Jesus told the Disciples in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”
If a believer in Christ is abiding in Christ, then the life of Christ is what’s going to flow through his words and actions. The stated promise is much fruit. Getting out on our own self sufficiency promises NOTHING.
So, if you’re a Christ follower whose spirit has been regenerated with the Holy Spirit at salvation and you are abiding in that, guess what? Each time you open your mouth, you could bring truth to someone else…much fruit. So, in our abiding, in our going, we are always potentially discipling others. Discipleship is not programmatic.
We too often put God in a box. He cannot be contained.
My current conclusion on all of this is that I need to be more concerned about abiding in Christ as my default position, rather than how I’m doing as a discipler. Every time I open my mouth does have the potential for someone else to learn something, indeed. I just need to stay connected to the Vine, to be who He says I am. Discipleship can happen as long as any of us believers are surrendered to the Father, just like Jesus was for 33 years.
Check this out as food for thought. God loves it when we speak together about Him and relating to Him. He’s pro-discipleship! How does this truth speak to you?
Then those who feared the Lord spoke to one another, and the Lord gave attention and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before Him for those who fear the Lord and who esteem His name. [Malachi 3:16]
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