© 2025 Iron Forums
Are you looking for some inspiration? Or have you come across a book, a blog, a movie or some other resource that you believe would help another Christian business owner (or their family) draw nearer to Christ? This is the place where we share resources from member-to-member, and Forum-to-Forum. Follow the links to the side, or below and find what you are looking for, or post what somebody else may need to hear.
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Focus on the Family offered a recent video series related to this topic, titled “Setting Boundaries in Toxic Relationships.” Gary Thomas wants to help Christians
Cards On The Table is a LIVE EVENT held every Friday morning in Buford, Georgia at Over the Top Burger Bar (intersection of Buford Hwy
Is it time to get your financial house in order? Storing Treasures is an Alliance Partner of Iron Forums, and has served many of our
Conversation Cards for Couples A fun, simple tool for couples to recapture the closeness of deep conversation. Carefully crafted. Artfully designed. Dynamically curated. This is
Jesus Spoken here is an Atlanta-area ministry run by Casey Sanders. Casey is offering (free of charge) an app that takes you through a series
© 2025 Iron Forums